Otey Group Succesful Asian Tour

Last March, Otey Group’s comercial team made their first visit to Asia, with destination to some of the main economies of that continent: Indonesia, Thailand and Japan. The trip was mainly aimed to both introduce the Chilean company to customers, as well as their flagship products, targeted to the aquaculture and petfood industries.

Otey’s team held meetings with roughly 10 companies, which showed great interest for the pool of products offered by Otey. The company’s CEO, Javier Waldron, commented that “it was very helpful to hear first-hand the actual needs and particularities from Asian different markets. Though prior this trip we did some research on the opportunities that we might have here, throughout the meetings we were able to engage on very interesting conversations and receive some insights on what’s going on in animal nutrition. We even ended up learning about the supply chain in that part of the globe, which can make us reach to more countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam. In other topic, I must say that we are returning to Chile very satisfied, since our products were received with such high interest, allowing us to generate the always needed trusted relationships “customer/supplier”, which ultimately led us to close deals in all the places we visited.
I personally had some doubts about our real potential growth overseas, but this trip allowed us to completely tear down the myth about the complexity of exporting. Although we had our internationalization defined on our strategic roadmap, now I feel backed up that there’s a huge opportunity to sell our products abroad.

Otey’s tour was led by its CEO, Javier Waldron, followed by the company Business Manager, Isaac Rosenblum, and the Business Developer for the Asian Market, Vladimir Neira. Plus, in order to maintain the presence on the continent and to develop a relationship in time, Otey is evaluating the addition to the team of human capital of those latitudes.